Our goal is intellectual activity that springs from disciplined habits of the heart and inspires action on behalf of the world.
The number of national universities that take their religious identity seriously is small, and Baylor is one of a smaller group representing the free church tradition of Christianity. Among these, Baylor already stands out for its achievements, academic and religious. And judged by objective academic standards, Baylor continues to move forward with distinction.
- Encourage the integration of Christian faith and the intellectual life;
- Support, encourage, and expect excellence in all undertakings;
- Provide a unique place for learning and the building of community;
- Equip individuals to understand life as a divine calling and thus serve society and the world in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
- Promote the health of mind, body, and spirit as these are understood in the Christian tradition and by the best of modern physical and psychological science;
- Strive to illuminate and enrich human experience by the word of God and the best of human science and culture;
- Encourage the understanding and care of the natural world as a matter of Christian stewardship;
- Facilitate the discovery of new knowledge to the glory of God and the betterment of humanity;
- Extend the campus in time and space to embrace our entire community in relationships of caring and mutual benefit; and
- Anticipate and respond to change in higher education and the world.