At Baylor, "Love thy neighbor" are not just words... they are a way of life.
As a Christian institution of higher education, Baylor University is unwaveringly committed to fostering compassion and understanding toward others as we strive to live out our mission “to educate men and women for worldwide leadership and service by integrating academic excellence and Christian commitment within a caring community.” Each member of the Baylor Family plays an important role in our daily living out of that commitment. Being intentional about building a caring Christian community in which our members feel safe, respected and supported lies at the core of who we are as we seek to transform lives and serve others.
One of the cornerstones of Baylor’s educational curriculum and communal life for generations has been the cultivation of compassion for others, both in personal service to and in civil discourse with those who have differing beliefs. Scripture advises us to be “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry” (James 1:19). We are also, as Christians, called to “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
God’s love shines upon all of creation, and the majesty of His created world is beautifully embodied by the Baylor Family. Our students, staff and faculty come from across the globe, rooted in communities, churches and families with a range of traditions and experiences. We grow stronger as the Baylor Family when we are intentional about anchoring our interactions in love and understanding. As we advance toward our institutional aspirations, grounded in the Biblical command to love our neighbors as ourselves, we continue to place great emphasis on being a compassionate community in which all individuals are accepted, valued and offered the resources to thrive.
One of the hallmarks of higher education is creating an environment in which individuals are presented with and educated through a marketplace of ideas, equipping them to determine their opinions and beliefs on issues and learn to express those convictions in informed and respectful ways. Baylor is committed to fostering an academic community that values the freedoms that create this marketplace of ideas and safeguards them, and to creating a social community in which civil discourse and mutual respect are expected and encouraged.
These three actions lie at the core of our institutional values:
- Follow the commandment Jesus identified as being central to our lives as Christians: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself;”
- Practice respect and civil discourse with one another, in recognition that we each are a valued part of God’s creation; and
- Pray for each other, and for our nation, even in times of uncertainty and divisiveness, focusing on how we can come together as the Baylor Family and as God’s children.
Caring for Students
A lot is expected from Baylor students, and the University is eager to provide the support and encouragement they need to reach their potential and make their Baylor experience one to remember. Whether it's adjusting to college life, dealing with personal challenges, or seeking out support to meet increased academic standards, Baylor wants its students to know they do not walk this exciting journey alone.
- Baylor Line Camp
- Career Center
- Counseling Center
- Faculty-in-Residence
- New Student Experience
- Paul L. Foster Success Center
- The Store
- Title IX Office
- Veteran Educational and Transition Services
- Welcome Week
Caring for the World
At Baylor you will find a highly active community of faith that extends from campus into Waco, Texas and around the world. Baylor students, faculty and staff annually volunteer more than 150,000 hours of local community service at: